Union Ayushman Plus

Union Ayushman Plus


a. For Purchase of brand new electro medical, diagnostic, X-ray Machines, MRI and other sophisticated equipment including operation theatre equipment, air conditioners, generators , personal computer and accessories with software for diagnosis, and UPS systems. Equipment for scanning centers/poly clinic/ Laboratories, other equipment and machinery used for Medical Purpose etc.
b. For Acquisition of Premises and/ or for setting-up of clinic/ hospital in own site Or Purchase of Site & Construction of hospital/ clinic thereon, furnishing and cost of medicines. Expansion/ Renovation / Modernization of existing premises.
c. For purchase of ambulance for Hospital/Clinic.
d. For Purchase/ Installation of Lift / Elevator, Solar Water heating system, Solar Electrification System etc to be installed at hospital premises.
e. Composite loan is also permissible.
f. Financing of Second Hand Medical Equipments/ Machinery/ Ambulance NOT to be considered.


All practicing qualified medical practitioners holding a recognized graduate degree in any branch of Medicine/ Surgery /Dental Science / Physiotherapy/ Radiology/ Pathology /Diagnostic imaging etc with minimum practicing experience of one year in the age group of 25 years to 65 years in any branch of medical science, with minimum qualification of :
-Degree in Para medical services like;
-X-ray Technology and Radiology
-Medical laboratory Technology
-Optometry of Ophthalmic Technology


– Term Loan
– Working Capital
– LC/BG (for purchase of equipment/ Capex)

Quantum of Finance

a. Maximum quantum of loan will be Rs.20.00 crore Sub limit for the same are as under:
– Working capital will be 25% of the maximum limit subject to ceiling of Rs. 5.00 Crore.
– Term Loan uptoRs.20.00 Crore..

Margin / Assessment

a. Term Loan :
Minimum Margin for Term Loans:
– For Purchase of Equipment & Vehicle : 15%
– Construction / Acquisition of premises (Including/ Expansion/ Renovation / Modernization of Existing premises) : 35%
– Wherever the loan is for Purchase of Site and Construction of Hospital/ Clinic, financing the Cost of Land/ Site shall be restricted to 30% of the Total Project Cost.
b. Working Capital
– Assessment: As per Norms prescribed in the Loan Policy.
LC/BG Minimum Cash Margin: 15%


As applicable on regular WC /TL/NFB facilities as per extant guidelines on Service Charges.


• Maximum 84 Equated Monthly Instalments(EMI).
• Moratorium period of Maximum upto 6 months may be permitted within maximum repayment period of 84 months if required/ requested. Repayment period shall be based on durability and useful life of the asset.
• For new construction –Maximum 180 months period including 24 months moratorium period.
• The repayment period should be co-terminus with maximum permissible age (70 years).

Credits – Union Bank of India