Applicability a) Hospitals/Nursing Homes b) Manufacturers (both Medical professionals as well as non-medical professionals) of healthcare products. c) Manufacturers and suppliers of permitted drugs (including...
Target Group All Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME). Individuals, Professionals and Self employed people, firms (registered partnership firms, companies) and businessmen. The applicant should have been in the activity for a minimum period...
INDSME Sanjeevini
Applicability Manufacturers and suppliers of medical oxygen, Oxygen cylinder & Hospitals / Nursing homes Eligibility · Both for existing and new MSME units · Udyam Registration Certificate is mandatory Purpose a) ...
IND Tradewell
Target Group Traders with minimum one year experience with good standing in the market. Purpose To meet working capital requirementsTerm Loan for acquisition of fixed asset, modernization of business place/office. Nature of Facility Working...
Target Group All MSMEs, Mid Corporate & Large Corporates. Purpose Setting up solar power plants for captive consumption. Solar power plants should be in accordance with the technical standards issued by MNRE and / or Central Electricity...
Union Credit Guarantee Scheme For Sub-Ordinate Debt.
Eligibility a. The Scheme is applicable for those MSMEs whose accounts have been standard as on 31.03.2018 and have been in regular operations, either as standard accounts, or as NPA accounts during financial year 2018-19 and financial...
Union E-Way Bills Solution
Eligibility All business enterprises enjoying existing Fund Based working capital facility from our Bank. Purpose To finance against domestic unpaid invoices which are registered under Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) system based on E-Way bill...
Union Liqui Property
Purpose • To meet working capital requirements for business activity.• For Shoring-up of Net Working Capital.• For purchase/construction/renovation of factory/ offices / shop / godown.• For purchase of plant & machinery.• For purchase of...
Union MSME Suvidha
Purpose • To meet need based working capital (Fund Based & Non-Fund Based) requirement for Business Activity.• Term Loan for own business use, which is detailed as under: • Purchase/ Construction / Renovation of Business Premises,...
Union Turnover Plus
Purpose To Fund need based working capital requirement of MSMEs which are adopting Digital Channels for Business Transactions, on the basis of Projected Sales Turnover acceptable to the Bank. Eligibility All Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises...
Union Nari Shakti
Purpose • CCH Limits to meet working capital requirements.• Term Loan for purchase/construction/renovation of factory/ offices / shop / godown or for purchase of plant & machineries or other equipment. Eligibility • All women owned and managed...
Union Sanjeevani Loan Scheme For Healthcare Sector
Purpose Financing under the scheme is for Setting up of oxygen plant with power back up (for purchase of Generator set/ Inverter) in the hospital for medical use & To finance units engaged in manufacturing of liquid oxygen, oxygen cylinders...
Financing Traders Against Electronic Negotiable Warehouse Receipt
Purpose Short Term Loan (Demand Loan) against pledge of the e-Negotiable Warehouse receipt of NERL/CCRL covering stocks of agricultural commodities stored in warehouses registered with WDRA. Eligibility Traders, Arathias, Exporters/ Importers who...
Union Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line [UGECL]
{Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme [ECLGS]} Purpose The scheme is in line with the Government’s guarantee scheme - ‘Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme’ (ECLGS) to provide relief/liquidity support to MSMEs/Business Enterprises affected by...
MUDRA Canara Atithi
To provide working capital needs and term loan requirements for purchase of equipment required for setting up of business. Credits - Canara Bank
To meet business related needs including purchase/ construction of business premises, machinery, equipment’s, vehicles and working capital requirements of WOMEN under Micro and Small Enterprises including Retail Traders. Credits - Canara Bank
To provide working capital assistance (fund based/non fund based) in the form of running limit (Secured OD), FLC/ILC & BG for working capital needs and Term Loan for purchase of brand new equipment/office premises to the existing and...
For Working Capital and Term Loan. Loans to service sector under MSME including Retail Trade, Wholesale Trade, Commission agents, Professionals and Self-Employed etc., (other than Manufacturing). Credits - Canara Bank
The Scheme will facilitate immediate liquidity for ramping up Manufacture and supply of Medical Oxygen and Oxygen Cylinders in the country with an objective to address the unprecedented crisis of the same, in the wake of COVID-19 Pandemic. Credits...
Working Capital Finance
A firm's working capital is the money it has available to meet current obligations (those due in less than a year) and to acquire earning assets. Bank of Baroda offers corporations working capital finance to meet their operating expenses,...
Technology and Quality Upgradation (TEQUP)
This scheme is implemented by Ministry of MSME for energy efficient technology for technology and quality upgradation support to MSMEs under the scheme of Technology and Quality upgradation...
Scheme For Professionals
WC requirement Purchase of equipment (expanding/renovating)For construction of office premises on self-owned landFor acquisition of ready built new office premisesNFB facilities Professionals in any discipline: Should possess a professional degree...
Dealers/Traders – Agriculture Inputs
For maintaining stocks of agricultural inputs like seeds, fertilizers and pesticides, etc. which could be hypothecated or pledged to bank.Dealers/distributors of cattle/poultry feed up to Rs. 40 lakhs.Dealers in tools required for...
Composite Loans
Fixed capital investment and/or working capital requirement. Credits - BOB ( Bank of Baroda )
Baroda SME Loan Pack
To provide hassle-free credit for working capital (fund based and non-fund based) as also capital expenditure related to the business of the borrower within the overall composite limit sanctioned to the borrower. Credits - BOB ( Bank of Baroda )
Baroda E-Business Pack Overview
Baroda E-Business Pack caters to the needs of finance of firms/companies undertaking digital as well as non-digital transactions of MSME service sector and all retail trade units. It facilitates linkage with POS machine/or code/UPI based app...
Baroda Arogyadham Loan
Purpose Setting up/purchase of ready possession of new clinics/hospitals, etc.Expansion/renovation/modernization of existing hospitals/facilities.Purchase of new medical diagnostic equipment/office equipment.To meet working capital requirements...
Baroda Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP) Finance
The loans to ESCO or Host entity falling under Micro & Small categoryThe minimum & maximum loan per project Rs. 10 lacs & Rs. 15 crores respectivelyMaximum loan tenor shall be 5 years including moratorium periodSIDBI guarantee upto 75%...
SBI OD Product
Purpose The scheme proposes to grant National/State level Business Correspondents (BCs) of SBI, overdraft facility for meeting their working capital requirements which will enhance their ability to service more customers in an uninterrupted manner...
SME Smart Score
Features Nature of Facility : Cash Credit / Term Loan Purpose : Working Capital needs & Acquisition of fixed assets Target Group : Individually managed proprietary/partnership firm or closely held public/private limited companies in the Small...
E Dealer Finance Scheme
Purpose To provide hassle free finance to authorised exclusive Dealers/stockiest/distributors/franchisees (hereinafter called“dealers”) of Industry Majors (IMs) for purchase of Inventory who are willing to furnish Collateral Security ofadequate...
Sanjeevani : SME Loan for Healthcare Sector under ECLGS 4.0
For setting up on-site oxygen generation plants using low cost technologies like Pressure SwingAdsorption for on-site oxygen generation. Eligibility Existing Hospitals/ Nursing homes/ Clinics/ Medical Colleges having credit facilities with...
Loans under Contactless Lending Platform
Purpose : Working Capital needs & Acquisition of fixed assets Target Group Individually managed proprietary/partnership firm or closely held public/private limited companies in the Small andmedium industrial and trading sector under C&I and...
Surya Shakti – Solar Finance
Surya Shakti – Solar FinanceTo provide finance to SME & Business Enterprises for installation of Solar rooftop / ground mounted grid-connectedsystems upto 1 MW capacity for captive use. Features Target Group : Existing and Prospective SME &...
Target Group All Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) as per extant definition of Government of India Purpose To meet working capital requirements Nature of Facility Open Cash Credit. Based on the request of the applicant, a portion of the...
Target Group Individual / Proprietorship concern / Partnership Firm / Private Limited Company / Public Limited Company / Limited Liability Partnership Firm / Trust Purpose For purchase of 2 / 3 / 4 wheeler electric vehicles (New vehicle) by MSMEs...
Target Group All Micro units (Manufacturing and service sector – Priority Sector – existing units (with good track record) as well as fresh units (with satisfactory promoters’ track record, satisfactory experience of the promoter in the...
IND SME Secure
Target Group Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (Manufacturing & Services Sector) Purpose Working Capital Requirements, Purchase of Fixed Assets, Construction of Building etc. Nature of Facility Working capital in the form of Secured...
Target Group All Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) as per extant definition of Government of India. · All existing MSME clients with satisfactory promoter/s’ track record, group affiliation ...
Union General Credit Card
Eligibility Individuals engaged in the Non-farm Entrepreneurial activity all over the country. Purpose To cover general credit needs of individuals for entrepreneurial activity in the Non-Farm sector all across the country. Quantum of Finance...
Union Mudra
Eligibility All Micro enterprises engaged in manufacturing, trading and service sector including professionals (like CA/ICWA/CS/Architect/Medical professionals etc) will be eligible under the scheme. Purpose • Need based term loan / CC Limit /...
Union Progress
Purpose To meet business related needs including purchase / construction of business/office premises including Cyber cafe, machinery including Generator Set, equipment, vehicles, other fixed assets and working capital requirement. Eligibility All...
Union Start Up
Purpose To finance for innovation, development or improvement of products or processes or services, or if it is a scalable business model with a high potential of employment generation or wealth creation as per Start-up India Scheme. Eligibility...
Union Professional
Purpose a. To finance acquisition of office premises for self-occupation.b. For outright purchase of ready built / existing office premises or premises under construction in commercial complexes / independent buildings and construction of office...
Union Parivahan
Purpose To finance transport operators and others for purchasing Brand new Vehicle. Eligibility All business units of following constitution i.e. Individuals, HUF, Proprietorship, Partnership concerns (including LLP), Limited Companies, engaged in...
Union Aarogyam Loan Scheme For Healthcare Sector
Purpose Financing under the scheme is for ramping up of COVID related healthcare infrastructure and services in the country. Eligibility a. Entities eligible for fresh lending support are: Vaccine manufacturersImporters/ Suppliers of vaccine &...
Union Equipment Finance For Contractors
Purpose For purchase of Commercial Equipment, Commercial Vehicle required in execution of contracts awarded to the contractor i.e. for captive use only. Eligibility MSME Contractors (irrespective of constitution) availing Working capital (FB/NFB)...
Union MSME Credit Card
No. ParameterGuideline1ObjectiveTo provide credit card to the identified MSME units within the sanctioned Fund Based Working Capital limit to meet business operational expenses through digital delivery channel.2Eligibilitya) Unit to be classified...
Term Loan Scheme for Exporters in Micro, Small and Medium Sectors- CANARA MSME EXPO Credits - Canara Bank
To meet the working capital requirement of artisans, village industries, micro and small enterprises including tiny units. Credits - Canara Bank
To finance new vehicles ( Small, Light, Medium, Heavy Commercial Vehicles, Passenger vehicle) E.g Trucks/Tankers/Trailers /Tippers/Buses/Luxury Buses and passenger vehicles etc Credits - Canara Bank
All Credit requirements of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Manufacturing Sector and Ancillary Business Units. Credits - Canara Bank
To provide credit for Working Capital requirement of GST registered MSME borrowers (New/Existing) (as defined under MSMED Act 2006 with further revision in definition of MSME effective from 01.07.2020, as per Gazette notification dated 26.06.2020...
Product for Vendors/Suppliers of Large Real Estate Developers
Vendor Bill Discounting Product for Vendors/Suppliers of Large Real Estate Developers All vendors/suppliers (falling within SME regulatory/non-regulatory classification only) of large real estate developers Credits - BOB ( Bank of Baroda )
SME Short Term Loan
To meet temporary liquidity shortfall/mismatch in the line of business activity. This facility is not to be extended for other purposes like repayment of loans of other banks or institutions, unsecured loans, etc. Credits - BOB ( Bank of Baroda )
Government of India vide Gazette notification S.O. 2119(E) dated 26.06.2020 (Annexure-I) has notified revised criteria for classifying the enterprises as micro, small and medium enterprises and the revised definition is effective from 1st of July...
Credit Link Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS)
The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (M/o MSME) has launched a subsidy scheme which is named as Credit Linked Capital Subsidy and Technology Upgradation Scheme (CLCS-TUS) for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs). The Scheme aims at...
Commercial Vehicle Finance
Commercial Vehicle Finance Scheme provides hassle-free term loans for the purchase of new commercial vehicles to First Time Buyers, Existing Fleet Operators and Captive users. Credits - BOB ( Bank of Baroda )
Baroda Property Pride
The Baroda Property Pride provides need based funding to individuals/units engaged in the trade of any commodity/goods in physical form required by the community and trading in them is not prohibited by law or opposed to public interest. Credits -...
Baroda Contractor Scheme
MSME units engaged in contractor/sub-contractor activity and falling within the meaning of micro, small-medium enterprises as per regulatory definition and all other entities with annual sales turnover up to Rs. 250 crores. Credits - BOB ( Bank of...
Pre-Sanctioned CME Loan Limits for Strategic Segment customers
Pre-sanctioned CME Loan Limits to meet CME finance requirement of Bank’s existing valued clients (MSME& Corporate).The objective of the Scheme is to provide hassle free Standalone finance to Bank’s well rated borrowers engaged in...
Digital MSME Working capital loan
Digital MSME Working Capital Finance can be applied by the businesses to meet operating expenses, purchasing inventory, receivables financing and other short term business needs thereby providing liquidity to the business. Eligible Borrowers Govt....
PM Mudra Yojana
Features Type of Facility: Working Capital and Term Loan Purpose : Business purpose, capacity expansion, modernization Target Group : Business Enterprises in Manufacturing, Trading and Services sector including allied agricultural activities....
E Vendor Finance Scheme
Purpose Financing receivables of recommended vendors of reputed Corporates/ Industry Majors (IMs). Completely web based solution with minimal branch intervention and provides instant credit to vendors account electronically. Features Type of...
SME Marble Plus
To provide finance to the Marble, Felspar, Quartz and other Stone Units for financing their working capital / capital expansion (capex) requirements related to their business activity. Features Target Group: All SME units engaged in Marble and...
AAROGYAM (Non- Metro) Healthcare Business Loan
To finance eligible projects in the healthcare sector for setting up of or modernizing /expanding at Non-Metro CentersHospitals/ Dispensaries/ Clinics/ Medical colleges/ Pathology Labs/ Diagnostic Centers.Manufacturing of vaccines/ oxygen/...
Asset Backed Loan – Commercial Real Estate
Features Nature of Facility : Dropline Overdraft. Both FB & NFB Facility (LTV- Immovable property : 50% of therealizable value) Purpose: Creation/acquisition of real estate such as office buildings, retail space, industrial or warehousespace,...
IB Doctor Plus
Target Group Individuals / registered partnership firm / Limited Company / Trust etc. Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) – Service Enterprises. Key promoters or their spouse should be qualified medical practitioners, with satisfactory...
IND SME Secure
Target Group Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (Manufacturing & Services Sector) Purpose Working Capital Requirements, Purchase of Fixed Assets, Construction of Building etc. Nature of Facility Working capital in the form of Secured...
Target Group All Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise (MSME) both Manufacturing and Service as per extant definition of Government of India. Existing & New Units – Proprietorship concern / Partnership Firm / Private Limited Company / Public...
IND SME Sanjeevini
Applicability Manufacturers and suppliers of medical oxygen, Oxygen cylinder & Hospitals / Nursing homes Eligibility · Both for existing and new MSME units...
Target Group Individual / Proprietor / Registered Partnership / Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) / Pvt & Public Limited Companies under Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) as per extant definition of Government of India...
Union E-Way Bills Solution
Eligibility All business enterprises enjoying existing Fund Based working capital facility from our Bank. Purpose To finance against domestic unpaid invoices which are registered under Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) system based on E-Way bill...
Union Rent
Eligibility • Landlords of our Branch/Offices premises (Including residential flat/houses leased to our Bank.)• Owner of property (Commercial/Residential) who have rented the same to Public Sector Banks, Public Sector Undertakings, Post Office...
Union GST Gain
Purpose To fund need based Working Capital requirement for trading/ services/ manufacturing business. Eligibility All units engaged in trading/Services/manufacturing activity i.e. Retail Traders, Wholesale Traders including Supermarkets, Malls,...
Union Ayushman Plus
Purpose a. For Purchase of brand new electro medical, diagnostic, X-ray Machines, MRI and other sophisticated equipment including operation theatre equipment, air conditioners, generators , personal computer and accessories with software for...
Union Stand-Up India
Purpose To promote entrepreneurship among SC/STs and Women entrepreneurs. Eligibility a. Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) borrower or woman borrower, above 18 years of age, for setting up a Greenfield enterprise indulged in...
List Of Cluster Schemes
Sl.NoName of the Cluster Specific SchemeApplicable Regions1.Financing to Carpet IndustryRO, ALLAHABAD2.Financingagainst paddy in open ware house managed by CMARO, KARNAL3.FinancingAuto Parts/Cycle IndustryRO, LUDHIANA4.Financingto...
Union Loan Guarantee Scheme For COVID Affected Sectors [ULGSCAS]
Purpose Financing to eligible projects in healthcare sector for setting up of or for modernising/expansion ofa. Hospitals/Dispensaries/Clinics/Medical Colleges/Pathology labs/Diagnostic Centersb. Facilities for manufacturing of...
Union Loan Guarantee Scheme For COVID Affected Tourism Service Sector [ULGSCATSS]
Purpose To provide relief to eligible Travel & Tourism Stakeholder viz. by way of need based financial assistance who have been adversely impacted by the Covid - 19 pandemic to discharge liabilities and restart their businesses. Eligibility and...
To meet business related Term Loan and Working Capital requirements Credits - Canara Bank
Purchase of Earth moving, construction and mining operation equipment from BEML. Credits - Canara Bank
For meeting term loan and/or working capital requirements of the applicant, as under: a. Setting up of clinic, poly clinic, nursing home, hospital, X-ray labs, pathology labs, physiotherapy centers etc. b. Purchase of equipment including surgical,...
CANARA MSME CAP (Credit Against Property)
To provide credit for business requirement of MSME borrowers(as defined under MSMED act 2006, with further revision in definition of MSME effective from 01.07.2020, as per Gazette Notification dated 26.06.2020 with relevant modifications...
To provide credit to MSME professionals for purchase/construction of office premises /acquisition of machineries /equipment/furniture/ fixtures, including expansion and modernization of the existing unit, and need based working capital limits...
The Scheme will facilitate immediate liquidity for ramping up COVID related healthcare infrastructure and services in the country with an objective to address the unprecedented crisis in the wake of COVID-19 Pandemic like: ¬ For setting up and...
Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS)
Bank of Baroda grants loans under Technology Up-gradation Fund Scheme launched by Government of India as per guidelines received from time to time from Ministry of Textiles. Bank of Baroda is a nodal agency for determining eligibility and releasing...
SME Medium Term Loan
To augment enterprises’ working capital gap and to help in the improvement of current ratio and also for meeting genuine business requirements. The facility will also be available for repayment of secured and unsecured Loans of other banks or...
MSME Capex Loan and Capex Card Features
The loan to be considered for the following capital expenditure related to the regular business activity: Replacement of old machinery, purchase of balancing equipment, modernization, investment in research and development, installation of captive...
Loan for Construction and Mining Equipment
Loan for Construction & Mining Equipment provides hassle-free term loan for purchase of new construction / mining equipment to eligible First Time Buyer, Small, Medium, Large and Strategic Segment Contractors and Mining Operators. Credits - BOB...
Bill/Invoice Discounting Under Value Chain Finance Features
To provide easy finance to eligible vendors/sub-vendors of investment-grade corporates with good financial discipline by way of discounting of bills/invoices drawn by the vendors/suppliers on the corporates. Credits - BOB ( Bank of Baroda )
Baroda GST Receivables Card For MSME Entrepreneurs
The Baroda GST Receivables Card for MSME Entrepreneurs provides additional working capital assistance to customers facing a crunch in liquidity arising out of GST paid on purchases and input tax credit on the same not yet claimed/eligible for a...
Baroda Artisans Credit Card Eligibility
Purpose All artisans involved in the production/manufacturing process (and otherwise eligible for credit facility for carrying out the proposed activities under any of the existing bank’s schemes) would be eligible.Preference would be given to...
Credit Guarantee Scheme for Subordinate Debt (CGSSD)
To provide personal loan to the promoters of stressed MSMEs for infusion as equity / quasi equity in the business eligible for restructuring, as per RBI/Bank's guidelines for restructuring of stressed MSME advances. The loans would be covered under...
Baroda Vidyasthali loan
Purpose Construction of buildings including expansion, modernization and renovation activities of educational institutions.Purchase of instruments for education/training purposes.Finance for the purchase of land alone is not permissible. However,...
Lease Rental Discounting
Purpose To meet borrower’s liquidity mismatch (Proceeds of loan amount not to be used for any speculative purposes, whatsoever, including speculation on real estate and equity shares). A Certificate regarding the end use of funds should be obtained...
Fleet Finance Purpose
To finance new vehicles (Small, Light, Medium, Heavy Commercial Vehicles, Passenger Vehicle). E.g. trucks/tankers/ trailers/ tippers/buses/ luxury buses and passenger vehicles etc. Features Type of Facility : Term Loan Target Group 1. Existing...
Stand Up India
Features Nature of Facility : Composite Loan (Working Capital facilities / Term Loan) Purpose :To meet all kinds of credit requirement for setting up Greenfield projects under manufacturing, services or the trading sector. Target Group : SC / ST...
Export Packing Credit
Purpose For purchase of raw materials, processing, packing, transportation and warehousing of goods meant for export, Ithas two essential features, VIZ: Existence of an export order and / or letter of credit and liquidation of the packingcredit by...
Asset Backed Loan
Purpose For build-up of current assets and fixed assets needed for business purpose, capacity expansion, modernization,short term working capital (including shoring up of Net Working Capital, etc). Features Nature of Facility Dropline Overdraft....