National Live Stock Mission

National Live Stock Mission

The Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Government of India is implementing the scheme of National Livestock Mission since the financial year 2014-15. In view of the present need of the sector the NLM scheme has been revised and realigned from F/Y 2021-22.

  1. Employment generation through entrepreneurship development in small ruminant, poultry and piggery sector & Fodder sector.
  2. Increase of per animal productivity through breed improvement.
  3. Increase in production of meat, egg, goat milk, wool and fodder.
  4. Increasing availability of fodder and feed to substantially reduce the demand – through strengthening the fodder seed supply chain and availability of certified fodder seeds.
  5. Encouraging establishment of fodder processing units to reduce the demand supply gap.
  6. Promoting risk management measures including livestock insurance for farmers.
  7. Promoting applied research in prioritized areas of poultry, sheep, goat, feed and fodder.
  8. Capacity building of state functionaries and livestock owners through strengthened extension machinery to provide quality extension service to farmers.
  9. Promoting skill based training and dissemination of technologies for reducing cost of production, and improving production of livestock sector.

What Is NLM Entrepreneurship Scheme?

It is a new scheme launched by Dept. of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Govt. of India to support entrepreneurship development for rural poultry, sheep and goat, piggery and feed and fodder sector.

What Is The Main Objective Of NLM Entrepreneurship Scheme?

The main objectives of NLM Entrepreneurship Scheme are as follows:

  1. Promotion of entrepreneurship in the field of rural poultry, sheep, goat, pig & fodder
  2. Establishment of forward and backward linkages

What Benefits Are Available In NLM Entrepreneurship Scheme?

In NLM Entrepreneurship Scheme 50% capital subsidy is provided for establishment of rural poultry farms including Hatchery and brooder cum mother unit, sheep/goat breeding farm, pig breeding farm, fodder value addition (i.e. Hay/Silage/Total Mixed Ration (TMR)/ Fodder Block) unit and storage unit . The maximum subsidy ceiling for different components varies from Rs. 25.00 lakh to Rs. 50.00 lakh.

Subsidy cap for various projects are as follows:

Poultry Project- Rs. 25 lakh

Sheep & Goat- Rs. 50 lakh

Pig- Rs. 30 lakh

Fodder – Rs.50 lakh

No subsidy will be provided for purchase of land lease/rent/Purchase of car for personal use/Office setting etc.

How The Remaining Amount Of The Project Will Be Funded?

Remaining amount of the project cost to be arranged by the applicant either through bank loan or loan from the Financial Institute like NCDC etc or by self-finance

How To Apply For NLM Entrepreneurship Scheme?

Any interested applicant can apply for NLM Entrepreneurship Scheme through NLM portal Www.nlm.Udyamimitra.In

Is There Any Need Of Submitting Documents Physically For Applying In NLM Entrepreneurship Scheme?

There is no need of physical document submission all the documents need to be uploaded through portal

After Submission Of The Application, How I Can Know The Status Of My Application?

The status of the application can be tracked from TRACK STATUS tab available in the upper right corner of the portal

For Applying Do I Need To Register In The Portal?

Yes, for application you need to register in the portal with your mobile number. Once the mobile number is given, an OTP is received in the registered mobile number (RMN).

Which Banks Can Be Approached For Loan?

Loan can be obtained from any scheduled bank or financial institutions. The applicant will be able to choose his/her preferred bank from a drop down list during application process in the portal.

Once Applied, What Will Happen To My Application?

The application will be routed through State Implementing Agency (SIA), lending institutions (Bank etc.) and DAHD, GoI before approval

How The Subsidy Will Be Released?

The subsidy amount will be released in two equal installments. First installment will be released at the beginning of the project and the second installment will be released after completion of the project and duly verified by the State Implementing Agency.

What Items Are Eligible For Availing Capital Subsidy In Rural Poultry Entrepreneurship Scheme?

Indicative list of items eligible for funding under Rural Poultry Entrepreneurship for establishment parent layer farm are as follows:

  1. Construction of shed
    2. Electric Brooder
    3. Chick Feeder
    4. Chick Drinker
    5. Adult Feeder
    6. Adult Drinker
    7. Cost of parents stock

Indicative list of items eligible for funding under Rural Poultry Entrepreneurship for establishment of hatchery and mother unit are as follows:


  1. Construction of Hatchery building
    2. Incubator
    3. Hatcher
    4. Generator


  1. Construction of shed
    2. Electric Brooder
    3. Chicks Feeder
    4. Chicks Drinker

Are There Any Eligibility Criteria For Obtaining Subsidy In NLM Entrepreneurship Scheme?

Remaining amount of the project cost to be arranged by the applicant either through bank loan or loan from the Financial Institute like NCDC etc or by self-finance

  1. The applicants either have obtained training or have trained experts or have sufficient experience or have technical experts with sufficient experience in the relevant field of managing and running the project
  2. The applicants have got the sanction loan for project by the bank/financial institutions OR in case of self-financed projects the applicant need to furnish bank guarantee from scheduled bank along with appraisal of project for its validity by bank where it is holding the account.

iii. The applicant should have own land or lease land where the project will be established.

  1. The applicant should have all the relevant documents for KYC

What Documents Need To Be Uploaded During Application?

The following documents need to be uploaded during application:

i. Proof of applicant’s share in the project
ii. List of farmer’s attached in the project
iii. Address Proof of applicant
iv. Las 3 years audited financial statement (in case of company)
v. Last 3 years Income Tax Return
vi. Bank Statement for last 6 months
vii. Pan/Aadhar card of Chief Promoter
viii. Caste certificate (if applicable)
ix. Training certificate
x. Experience certificate
xi. Scanned Photo
xii. Scanned signature

What Collateral Need To Be Submitted To The Bank?

This depends on the respective banks which collateral documents are required.

What Will Be The Interest Rates?

The rate of interest depends on the respective banks

What Items Are Eligible For Availing Capital Subsidy In Sheep/Goat Entrepreneurship Scheme?

Indicative list of items eligible for funding under Sheep/Goat Entrepreneurship scheme are as follows:

  1. Construction of housing shed for parent stock
    2. Kid shed & sick pen
    3. Cost of Doe
    4. Cost of Buck
    5. Transportation cost
    6. Fodder cultivation
    7. Chaff cutter
    8. Integrated silage making machine
    9. Equipment
    10. Insurance
    11. Miscellaneous

What Items Are Eligible For Availing Capital Subsidy In Piggery Entrepreneurship Scheme?

Indicative list of items eligible for funding under Piggery Entrepreneurship scheme are as follows:

  1. Construction of Pig Sty
  2. Construction of shed for sow
    2. Construction for boar unit
    3. Farrowing pen
    4. Cost of construction of pens for piglets
    5. Store room
  3. Cost for Piglets for breeding
  4. Cost of gilt
  5. Other cost

1. Cost of Equipment
2. Insurance charges
3. Veterinary Aid

What Items Are Eligible For Availing Capital Subsidy In Fodder Entrepreneurship Scheme?

Indicative components of silage making unit for entrepreneurs

Construction of shed and godown

  1. Bailing
    2. Harvester
    3. Power operated chaff cutter
    4. Installation cost of plant and machinery
    5. Shed for machinery storage

Indicative components for fodder block making unit

  1. LD-HD Cutting with electric motor starter, panel board, V-belt, Pulleys etc. LD Low Density Materials (like paddy straws)
    2. HD-LD Mixer complete with Electric Motor, HD-High Density materials (concentrate Pre-mixes)
    3. Densified TMR block maker with electric motors starter, hydraulic oil, cooling system
    4. Platform electronic Weigh Scale
    5. Main control panel complete with tarter contractors, relays meter, conduits, and fittings, cable trays etc.
    6. Stitching machine double thread
    7. Molasses Storage tank OH molasses tank capacity
    8. Grinding section fitted with an elevator motor connecting piece of magnet. Bin for grindables in M.S. handle operated, Hammer mill half circle with sieve and complete with foundation fitted with motor and drive parts
    9. Mixing section fitted with ground material lifting elevator with discharge with motor and connecting piece of magnet Bin above batch mixture with discharge control. Paddle type batch mixture with MS construction fitted with motor.
    10. Power supply (Gen set)
    11. Shed for machinery
    12. Shed for storing raw materials

Credits – Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Government of India